Retailer Greed Turned Into Their Profit
In stock market every person wants to double the money that he has and this greed and desire for money making in quick way he gets scammed by many scammers. In this post you will know How Scammers Use Retailers Strong Emotions to make retailers fools. Lately when he know he is in scams then there are many loses with a retailer.
How they do this..
I am posting this post on 14 August 2024. I was joined in a group where undervalued stocks given to retailers for sell & purchase. They give stocks today and sell them tomorrow and you will get 10-20 % return.
They provide IPO information’s and give prediction how much money you can earn from IPO ( IPO return). There is a voting system thay said our professors are represents india in international trading competition challenge. Vote for our professors we will give you prize pool 3000 INR PER WEEK. They joined me and i voted for them they give me 3000 inr.
Now Scam start they give me advice if you have a fund add in our app you will get IPO and Double the money. I said i not have money they give me advice that take LOANS from Banks and put in our app. I add 5000 INR just for checking now 6000 i received and 5000 i deposited and some profit total is 16000 inr. They suggest me apply IPO just only I apply IPO than i want to for my money withdrawal 16000 inr, they blocked my fund that You get successfully .
And IPO value is 116000 at this fund can any broker provide IPO when i have 16000 in my broker account ,NO, They provide me IPO allocation. And now asking me to add remaining fund in app for IPO Allocation.
When any person withdraw her money they removed that person from every group. So be carefull for your hard money ,never be fooled in emotional.
I upload image of the app . This app is not on PlayStore or any other platform. they send link for downloading.
Think dear how a IPO of value 116000 is allocated to a user who has only 6796 INR in our application.